This is embarrassing.
HTML-Kit is free
if you don't register,
AND it has many plug-ins with source available,
BUT HTML-Kit is not Open Source.
(Registration is only $55.00, by the way
— a lot less expensive than XMetal.)
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
Is it...
phillup on 2004-07-22T14:43:15
The cost seems to be in line with what you were looking to pay for HotMetal in your last post... so...
Is it the right tool for the job?
Since it is for your business... you need to start thinking like a business. Which means, how much will it cost to continue looking for something?
Even if that something has no cost, you loose money by not working for a paying customer.
On the other hand... you have to consider the "future value" of the software. So, buying in to a proprietary product may make sense in the short term... but, may cost quite a bit in the future if the company goes out of business or changes the product in a way that is not compatible with your useage. (Just like HotMetal did)
And, sorry if you already know all this... sometimes a reminder helps tho.
In my opinion, the biggest issue is what format your "source" files are in and how easily they can be transitioned to a new product.